Our values

What our work means to us

It isn’t just about selling homes.

We believe in the power of free. In liberating everyone from the ordinary way of buying and selling houses. If you have a beautiful home, you should be able to sell it, without paying a fee. But still enjoy exceptional service. And if you are a buyer, you should be able to find your dream home by having someone shine a brilliant spotlight on the truly desirable houses. We are here to make a difference. To open up a whole new experience that’s far more rewarding for everyone.

Come on in…

We are free thinking

Rewarding people with wonderful homes is just one reason we are different and better. We have to keep raising the bar and never sit back. Together as one passionate team we have to keeping asking ‘Why not?’. And ‘What’s next?’…

We are understanding

Understanding is at the heart of what we do. We always stand in our customers’ shoes and think ‘How would I feel?’. We have to make your move the best move you ever have. So, if we say we will do something, we do it.

We drive desire

We aim higher, go further and work harder than anyone to make sure our customers know that we are the home of desirable properties. Our sellers are proud of their houses and we have to share that passion – and make certain buyers know we are the first destination for the best choice of well-loved homes.

We provide a revolutionary service

We will always be agile and challenge the market. Offer brighter ways of doing things. And use cutting edge tech to set a new standard. But it’s nothing without the best people behind it. We must always balance innovation with our experience and exceptional care and attention to put every single one of our customers at complete ease.

What we do is beautifully rewarding

We have to deliver the best service and set ourselves far apart from the crowd. By making the process more rewarding for our customers we will become the first choice for desirable homes. We will grow without sacrificing our level of service.

Sell your home for free with Chosen

Call us on 0121 222 1180 or email [email protected] and our property experts will be happy to discuss how we can help you achieve the very best price for your home.